Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Description

This goal adds a dependency to the POMs of the defined projects list.
Refer to bw:list-maven-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal adds some mavenized projects as modules of a root POM.
Refer to bw:list-maven-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal creates a TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR based on the configuration given in the project's POM.

The most important parameters are:

  • bw.project.archive.builder : the location of the Enterprise Archive file inside the TIBCO BusinessWorks project
  • bw.project.location : the TIBCO BusinessWorks sources location relatively to the POM

Other parameters have default values set with the global values of "settings.xml" file.


This goal creates a TIBCO BusinessWorks Projib based on the configuration given in the project's POM.

The most important parameters are:

  • bw.project.library.builder : the location of the Library Builder file inside the TIBCO BusinessWorks project
  • bw.project.location : the TIBCO BusinessWorks sources location relatively to the POM

Other parameters have default values set with the global values of "settings.xml" file.


This goal copies TIBCO BusinessWorks dependencies (especially Projlibs) in a temporary folder.
These dependencies will be used to create a unique environment (used to launch the Designer and to package an EAR).

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies


This goal copies the TIBCO BusinessWorks project sources to a temporary folder.
These sources will be used to compile a TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR or Projlib from a fresh copy and with potential machine-generated code (for instance for Java Custom Functions).

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:copy-resources


This goal copies TIBCO BusinessWorks dependencies (especially Projlibs) of the 'test' scope in a temporary folder.
These dependencies will be used to create a unique environment (used to launch the Designer and to launch tests).

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies


This goal copies the TIBCO BusinessWorks project sources to a temporary folder for the 'test' scope.
These sources will be used to run the tests (see bw:bw-test).

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:copy-resources


This goal deletes a TIBCO BusinessWorks application from a TIBCO domain.
The application will be undeployed before deleted.


This goal deploys a TIBCO BusinessWorks application to a TIBCO domain.


This goal extracts the XML Deployment Descriptor from a TIBCO BusinessWorks application deployed on a TIBCO domain.


This goal extracts the XML Deployment Descriptor from a TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR.


This goal generates an APT documentation file from TIBCO BusinessWorks source files.

The "generate-doc-xml" goal is used to generate XML files.


This goal generates an XML documentation file from TIBCO BusinessWorks source files.


This goal creates a POM with "bw-ear-deploy" packaging.
This POM will be used at deployment time.


This goal uses the XML Deployment Descriptor extracted from a TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR (see bw:extract-xml-from-ear) or from a TIBCO BusinessWorks application (see bw:extract-xml-from-domain) to generate properties files.

The result of this generation will be two properties files:

  • one for Global Variables (application level)
  • one for Services (= Process Archives, Bindings, Processes...) defined in the application


This goal recreates an XML Deployment Descriptor file from flat properties files generated by bw:generate-properties-from-xml.
Any manual modification performed on the properties files will be integrated in the final XML file.

A JAXB implementation of the TIBCO ApplicationManagement schema (namespace = "http://www.tibco.com/xmlns/ApplicationManagement") will be used.
Refer to ApplicationManagement class for details.


This goal includes the JAR dependencies of the runtime scope inside the "lib.zip" of the TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR.
It allows to load seamlessly the transitive dependencies of JARs of the TIBCO BusinessWorks project and avoid the ClassNotFoundException issues when the application is deployed on a TIBCO domain.

This step can be ignored by setting includeTransitiveJARsInEAR to false.


This goal will initialize additional properties to use in next goals. It is the first goal called by the bw-ear lifecycle in the initialize phase.


This goal deploys the built EAR to a TIBCO domain, to prepare the execution of Integration Tests.

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:run


This goal installs required artifacts to run Integration Tests.

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:run


This goal setups the additional POM required to run Integration Tests.

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:run


This goal kills a TIBCO BusinessWorks application deployed on a TIBCO domain.


This goal launches a TIBCO Designer with exactly the same environment that will be used to compile the TIBCO BusinessWorks EAR from the TIBCO BusinessWorks project sources (with the compile-bw-ear goal in the compile phase).

This is made possible by inheriting from AbstractBWMojo class.


This goal lists all the existing TIBCO BusinessWorks projects found in a specified folder and nested subfolders.
The mandatory 'vcrepo.dat' file will be used as a search criteria.

Once the list of projects is ready, it is possible to use children goals such as bw:mavenize-bw-projects with the same parameters.


This goal lists all the existing projects (with a POM.xml file) found in a specified folder and nested subfolders.
The mandatory 'pom.xml' file will be used as a search criteria.

Once the list of projects is ready, it is possible to use children goals such as bw:add-dependency with the same parameters.


This goal "mavenizes" a list of existing TIBCO BusinessWorks projects.
The Mavenizer is the default "Mavenizer Archetype" (archetype-bw-mavenizer).

Refer to bw:list-bw-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal will merge the reference and common properties into the working properties files (usually the ones in "target/package").


This goal removes a dependency from the POMs of the defined projects list.

Refer to bw:list-maven-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal removes some mavenized projects as modules of a root POM.
Refer to bw:list-maven-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal resolves TIBCO BusinessWorks dependencies (especially Projlibs) defined in the POM of the project.
The resolution is transitive and follows the Maven standard.

These dependencies are then copied by copy-bw-dependencies.

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:list


This goal resolves TIBCO BusinessWorks dependencies (especially Projlibs) defined in the POM of the project.
The resolution is transitive and follows the Maven standard and uses the 'test' scope.

These dependencies are then copied by copy-bw-test-dependencies.

A builtin goal from Maven is called by this goal with a custom configuration defined in the 'components.xml' file from Plexus. This allows to use the builtin goal bound to a lifecycle phase without adding configuration in POMs.
Please refer to AbstractWrapperForBuiltinMojo for a full explanation of the lifecycle binding of a builtin Maven plugin.

Original goal : org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:list


This goal starts a TIBCO BusinessWorks application deployed on a TIBCO domain.


This goal stops a TIBCO BusinessWorks application deployed on a TIBCO domain.


This goal undeploys a TIBCO BusinessWorks application from a TIBCO domain.


This goal "unmavenizes" a list of mavenized TIBCO BusinessWorks projects by simply removing the POMs of the projects.

Refer to bw:list-maven-projects goal for an explanation about projects lists.


This goal modifies the ".aliaslib" files of the TIBCO BusinessWorks project sources to include transitive JARs dependencies.

This step can be ignored by setting includeTransitiveJARsInEAR to false.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven 2.0
JDK 1.6
Memory No minimum requirement.
Disk Space No minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"

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Version: 2.3.4. Last Published: 2015-09-30.